Friday, August 4, 2017

The Poisoned Fang on Preorder from Extasybooks!

A year ago, Air force Captain Jared Club was flying missions into Kaiser controlled areas, but now he waits in the city of Red Deer Crossing on an indeterminate leave of absence after failing a psychological examination. The things he saw in his dreams as a child, places called Disneyland, games you play on television, and men wearing fish nets as shirts insisting that they are too sexy, have gained in such vividness that he cannot tell what is real and what is not. As if he did not doubt his sanity enough, an Aboriginal man has come to him claiming that the dreams are real and the life he is living is not, and Jared has the power to put the world back to the way it should be.  What does a crazy man do when faced with an insane choice?

Jared Club along with his friend and bartender Mikey cross the ocean to infiltrate the maw of the Kaiser regime. Can Jared overcome the conflict in his mind of what is and what should have been? What chance do two men have against the armies of the Kaiser and the Knights of the Templar? 

There is no possible way to win but what alternative do they have but to try? Besides, when you have a woman, who you don’t remember in the slightest, claiming to be the goddess of the northern seas and is pissed at you for standing her up, a bullet to the head seems far more humane way to meet your end…

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